
WHAT THE F*CK!!?!???!!

Since when does The New York Times Sunday newspaper cost 5 bucks?! Way to go?! I wonder if anyone spends this much to read it. In my opinion, this is totally supporting the paper-less newspapers! Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't spend 5 dollars to get one copy of a newspaper when I can read most of the stories on the internet. There must be something secret and special about this 5-dollar Sunday newspaper.

Here are the prices for other newspapers around where I live.
The Sun: 2 bucks. I guess it's a decent price.

The Washington Post: Dollar fifty! Sounds more reasonable and normal to me.

The Washington Times: Wow.
I didn't know they sell their daily for 25 cents and a dollar for Sunday. Amazing!


Anonymous said...
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yokie. said...


Benn said...

The problem is, while The Washington Times is more economical, you're still reading The Washington Times (a conservative mouthpiece more interested in carrying water for Republicans than actually reporting facts).