
a Notion of Liberty.

Photo enhanced image of the "love" wall at The American Visionary Art Museum

During Easter weekend, we visited the local museum, The American Visionary Art Museum. The exhibitions are very unique there. Right now, there is special exhibition, All Faiths Beautiful, about personal beliefs. A main feature was rows of postcards that were sent in anonymously. I thought Americans are more religious, however there are many people who don't believe in the existence of God. I came to my personal conclusion that many people are forced to believe in God as they were taken to church on Sunday mornings. One of the results is that they "pretend" to believe in God. Deep inside of themselves, they are opposite of what other people think who they are. There were many confessions like "I actually don't believe in God." The exhibition gave the opportunities for people to freely express their personal beliefs and that is a notion of liberty. One expression was funny. "I think the new Pope looks scary." I agree. Despite believing in God for many years, some lost their faith due to no response from God. They pray to God every day and night, but nothing has changed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to upset or offend anyone who reads my blog. I'm freely expressing my point of view as I have a right to do as a part of my liberty.

Outside of the museum is decorated with glass and different materials. You can't miss this museum :) Very very unique.

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